
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
That Time We Talked To Tachus Internet Provider
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin talk with Tachus CEO Hal Brumfield and CFO Carter Old. In the era where life cannot exist without the internet, we are forced to figure out what the best internet service provider (ISP) we should bring into our home to supply our internet connectivity. And, as most of us know, not all companies are created equal. But what exactly makes them different? And are there things I should be looking for when I sign up? It seems that some neighborhoods only have one option, so what if there are no choices? And on top of that, what about equipment, speeds, and all of the internet of things (IOT) that I have - does any of that matter what I bring into my home? This episode packs a LOT of information, so buckle up and get ready to be informed!
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Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
That Time We Talked To a Sleep Expert
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin talk with Mollie McGlocklin, a sleep optimization expert. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, and one that many of us do not understand as much about as we should. Many people spend their days tired and their nights frustrated. But there’s a better way. As Mollie explains, there are a number of different factors that come into play that affect our sleep. Many of them include our habits, but there are a lot of things that affect our sleep. Plus, there are a number of gadgets on the market that can help identify what aspects of our sleep needs improvement and helps to monitor our sleep. This is just the tip of the iceberg as there are so many more things to discuss on this topic. We hope you enjoy getting a taste of what you can do to improve your sleep!
Mollie McGlocklin Email - mollie@sleepisaskill.com
Sleep Is a Skill Website - subscribe to her newsletter, podcast, and course!
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Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
That Time We Talked About Credit Repair
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin talk with Mason Miller with BWI Credit Solutions. As you probably know, credit is extremely important when it comes to buying a new home, vehicle, furniture, or just about anything that you need a loan for. Not only that, your credit score affects your ability to get a credit card. Like it or not, credit is a huge determiner of your viability when it comes to accessing money. But what most people don’t know is how to get your credit into the bracket that gives you the best rates and allows you to get the most out of the loan you are wanting. That’s where credit repair comes in handy. But not all credit repair companies are reputable and actually want to help you. Mason walks us through what a quality credit repair company does, and how you can ensure that your credit score is accurate and the best it can be. While this can be a daunting subject, BWI can help and get you back on track and the best thing is that you don’t have to be in Houston for BWI to help.
BWI Credit Solutions Phone - (936) 447-9546
BWI Credit Solutions Webpage
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Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
That Time We Made it to 100
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
In this episode Crag and Kevin celebrate the 100th episode of The Homeowners Show. That’s right, we made it! We discuss things that we have learned along the way, things we have done well, and what we hope to do in the future. Truth be told, we have enjoyed the journey and are thankful to everyone who has helped us get to this point. We look forward as we continue to bringing on guests that will help you own your home better and gain a better understanding of how to manage your home. Plus, we give away $100 on the show!
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Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
That Time We Talked About Power Tools
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin discuss everything from power tool brands to the batteries that power them. When it comes to the tools in your garage, there are a opinions out there. And, with all of the options on the market, how do you know which line of tools is the best? Which one should you choose? Which battery is the best available? Do you know the difference between voltage and amp hours, and does that even matter? Does a variety tools make a difference in which line you choose? At the end of the day there are a lot of variables that you need to consider when it comes to the tools that help you do the jobs you tackle. We try to give you some information to help make the decision a little easier.
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Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
That Time We Talked To a Deaf Realtor
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin talk with Michelle Deloney, a deaf realtor. It’s hard to know what you don’t know, but this episode sheds some light on for those of use who are not part of the deaf community. Michelle has been deaf most of her life and has an amazing story. As we unpack her story, we learn about her journey to become the only deaf realtor in the Houston area. Buying a home for a deaf person or family can be challenging. Michelle dives into how she is able to approach their specific needs and address them with a first-hand understanding of those needs. What are some specific challenges faced when buying a home if you’re deaf? And, are there specific things a home needs to have for a deaf person? We laugh a lot in this episode as we address these questions and so much more, and we hope you will too.
Michelle Deloney phone - 832-880-1838
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Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
That Time We Talked with Eric G From Around The House
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
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In this episode, Craig and Kevin talk with Eric Goranson (Eric G from Around the House). Eric does a variety of things including a radio show, TV show, and a podcast where he talks all things home improvement. He also admins a couple of Facebook groups (links below). Whether it’s awesome product reviews, helping people install or fix things around the house, or giving advice, Eric G does it all when it comes to home improvement. He gives us some insight into how he got into this business, and where it has taken him. We hope you enjoy hearing some of his stories and getting to know Eric G from Around the House! Be sure to check out his radio show and podcast!
Eric G Email - Eric@famacreative.com
Around the House with Eric G Radio Show
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Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
That Time We Talked About The Top 3 Must Haves in the Master Bedroom
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin give you their top 3 must haves in the master bedroom. While we realize that this is one of the most important rooms in your home, and it will have certain items in there, we also know that it’s a very personal room. Perhaps there are some things that you feel are important that others don’t. Interestingly enough, our top 3 things are different from one another. Either way, we hope you enjoy this episode!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
That Time We Talked to a Home Builder
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin talk with Kristy Dupuy with Expressive Builders. She is a home builder and remodeler. You read that correctly! It’s not often you come across a female home builder, but she has a unique set of skills that makes her really good at her job. She is also an interior decorator by trade. Kristy spends time talking us through new construction as well as remodels and gives us some insight into the process for both options. Have you ever wondered whether it’s a better idea to remodel or start fresh with a new construction? Or, is it better to go with a custom home builder vs a builder who has a design showroom that gives you a select number of options for finishes? There are so many things to consider when it comes to buying a new construction home or remodeling your own home. This episode will give you some thoughts and ideas to help make that decision easier.
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
That Time We Talked About Electric Dog Fences
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin talk about their separate experiences with electric dog fences. One of them DIY’d the install, and the other had it professionally installed. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an invisible, electric dog fence? How expensive are they? How difficult are they to install? And at the end of the day, are they worth it? We discuss all of this and much more in this episode.
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Invisible Fence
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