
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
That Time We Talked About Flooring
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin interview Adrian Rojas of In Home Floors. They’re a major part of any home, and one that is a major investment. They can sometimes make or break the sale of a home, and will definitely change the likability for sure. There are so many options to choose from, and they’re not all created equal. Adrian walks us through (no pun intended) the various types of flooring, installation methods, life-span, cost, and even things to watch out for when it comes to installers. This episode has so much to it and to be honest, there’s much more that could be discussed. Either way, we hope this episode is helpful!
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Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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In Home Floors
Adrian Rojas Phone - (832)797-9465
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Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
That Time We Talked About Wireless Surround Speakers
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin review some new wireless surround sound speakers Craig has recently installed. If you’re like us, you really like good quality sound when watching TV. And, in the world we currently live, we are streaming more and more content. Gone are the days of Blockbuster, and even Red Box to some extent. While we go to the theater still, we still love having a theater quality to our system at home. This episode reviews two specific systems that allow you to install surround sound speakers without having them directly wired to your receiver. Our world is becoming increasingly wireless and this technology is still fairly new and getting better all the time. Whether this is a completely new concept to you or if you’ve been looking for an alternative for a while, we hope this episode will be helpful.
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Rocketfish Wireless Rear Speaker Kit
Insignia Universal Rear Speakers
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Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
That Time We Talked About Home Inspections
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin talk with Rikki Neel about home inspections. Most of the time when you buy a home you view getting a home inspection as just “part of the process.” If you are the seller, it becomes a necessary evil. But what if a home inspection is actually more than that? Are there times when getting an inspection could be important? Rikki walks us through a lot of things we should be thinking about and when it comes to having new things installed in your home, it may be important to get them inspected - even if it’s not time to sell your home. Take a listen to this episode. If you're like Craig and Kevin, you’ll probably learn something!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Call Rikki - 281-217-2200
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Friday Mar 13, 2020
That Time We Talked About The Coronavirus
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Things have gotten serious. In this special episode Craig and Kevin take a moment to talk about the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically we take some time to talk about measures you can take to prepare your home during this time. Along with that we debunk a few myths and take some time to talk about what we think you can do with your family to maximize your time together. We hope you will take the time to listen in and share this with your friends.
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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WHO Website
Joe Rogan Podcast About Coronavirus
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Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
That Time We Talked About Mortgage Acronyms
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
We’ve all been in conversations before when someone uses an acronym and we’ve just sort of awkwardly nodded our head as if we knew exactly what that acronym meant…but we actually had no clue whatsoever. In this episode, Craig and Kevin talk with our good friend Haley Thayer who is a personal mortgage consultant to discuss all of those pesky acronyms that realtors and mortgage lenders use when you are buying a house. Whether it’s APR, PMI, HELOC, or some other unknown term, we have you covered on this episode. We also will get into some terminologies that are sometimes thrown around that are confusing like different types of loans, foreclosure, appraisal, and much more. Haley gives us some really great information and we hope it’s helpful.
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Getting out of the House Part III: That Time We Talked About Disney Travel
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin talk to Mary Ann Adams of Memory Making Vacations. Continuing with our series, Getting Out of the House, this episode provides a lot of information about one of our favorite places on earth, Walt Disney World. Unlike many vacation destinations, WDW is a complicated place. There are so many things you need to factor in order to have the best experience possible. Whether you’re planning your first vacation or you’re a WDW veteran, one thing is certain - a Disney travel agent can help. With so many things that change rapidly in The World (as they call it), it’s important to have someone who can help you with the latest updates and information about your upcoming vacation. Plus, if you have any issues along the way, they are your best advocate to ensure the issue gets resolved quickly. We discuss a lot of the things currently going on at WDW, some things to consider while planning your WDW vacation, and have a lot of fun conversation along the way. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we had recording it!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Instagram @mymmvacation
Contact Mary Ann @ 936-689-9879
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Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
In this episode Craig sits down with Heidi Smith of NHS Voyages Luxury Travel to talk about her journey with her family to discover her passion for helping families with special needs find the perfect vacation. Heidi truly has a passion for helping families think through their unique situations to help make that time away from their home a memorable one. If you or someone you love needs that specialist to make sure their vacation is tailor made for their lifestyle then this is the episode for you!
This Episode of The Homeowners Show is brought to you by:
Paul the Plumber
(832) 521-3252
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Todays Guest
Heidi Smith
(936) 207-0838
NHS Voyages Luxury Travel
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Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Getting out of the House Part I: That Time We Talked About Cruises
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
Tuesday Feb 18, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin kick off our “Get Out Of The House” series with Cruise Planner JJ Kuykendall. JJ has been planning cruises and other vacations for 15+ years. There are so many cruise options out there and so many things you should consider when booking a cruise. Having someone like JJ on your side to help you navigate (see what I did there?) the process of selecting and booking a cruise is important. In this episode we discuss different cruise lines, cabin types, excursions, destinations, trip insurance, how far in advance you should book, and much more. We hope you enjoy this detour (#smirk) in our typical shows and will consider how vacations can truly be a blessing for your family and help you appreciate your home!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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JJ Kuykendall Cruise Planners Website
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Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
That Time We Talked To Mr. America
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin talk to Dr. Chris Zaino. Dr. Zaino is a world-renowned chiropractor, motivational speaker, and won the honor of Mr. America in 1998. After defying a deadly disease, Dr. Zaino has a new lease on life and has chosen to use his gift with others and help motivate them to be the best version of themselves possible. He is truly an inspiring man. What does this have to do with home ownership? We think it has a lot to do with owning a home. You’ll have to listen to see if you agree.
Special Thanks to our New Show Sponsor!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Dr. Christ Zaino YouTube
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Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
That Time We Talked About The Portal
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin review the Portal. Portal is a video device created by Facebook that allows you to interact with other people and various types of content from a screen. It is similar to a couple of other devices, but has it’s own advantages as well as disadvantages. Along with some good football banter, you’ll hear our full review on the Portal in this episode.
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