
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
That Time We Talked About Cleaning Services
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin talk with Tonya Manley with J&W Janitorial Services. When you hear the name, you may think primarily of commercial cleaning services, but they do residential as well. When you have a company that is dedicated to providing a great service at a reasonable price, you’ve found something special. We discuss what things to look for in a cleaning service and what you can expect. Do certain chemicals make a difference in how they clean your house? Maybe you have a certain thing that you’re most concerned about - how does a great cleaning service address those needs? What’s the difference in a commercial cleaning and a residential cleaning? Also, in the COVID-19 world we are living in, what can you do to keep your house safe? Do certain cleaners work better than others? We answer all of this plus much more on this episode!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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J&W Janitorial Services
Tonya Manley - (346)280-9565
J&W Janitorial Facebook
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Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
That Time We Talked About Mosquitos
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin discuss those pesky little insects that invade our world during this time of year - the mosquito. Thankfully, Craig knows a lot about these little creatures and has a lot to offer in response to how we can rid ourselves of mosquitos. What systems can we put into place? Are there natural methods available? Do certain methods work better than others? Why do mosquitos target me but they don’t target someone else? All of these questions and much more are answered in this episode!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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The Winged Scourge - 1943 Disney Short about Mosquitos
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Tuesday May 26, 2020
That Time We Talked About Living Room Top 3 Must Haves
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin discuss their top 3 must have items in a living room. This is part of the series where we are going through each room in the home and giving you our top 3 items. The living room is one of the most used rooms in the home. It’s a place to go and relax, spend time with your family and friends, and an entertainment space as well! It’s a room that everyone has an opinion about - what size it should be, where in the home it should be, should there be more than one? Whatever your preferences are, we discuss our top three in this episode!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Tuesday May 19, 2020
That Time We Talked About Real Estate Post Covid-19
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin interview Freddy P who is a realtor. This isn’t your normal, everyday podcast on buying a house. We do get into that topic quite a bit, but things are so different right now in the market during Covid-19. What does buying or selling a house during these times look like? Is it a good idea to buy or sell right now? What are some of the things that seem to jump out as being “different” in a post Covid-19 world when it comes to buying and selling a home? We get into all of these questions, plus much more really helpful content on this episode.
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
Paul the Plumber Facebook
Freddie P. - freddie@realtyhubtexas.com
Phone: 832-606-3709
Steve Harvey Video on Jumping
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Tuesday May 12, 2020
That Time We Talked About Unique Tools
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin talk about the top 3 unique tools in their garage. One thing we all know is that getting the job done requires the right tool. Because of that, over the years people have invented some amazing tools. Odds are you have some unique tools in your garage or tool shed that very few people have ever seen or know about. If you don’t, your neighbor does! What is the most unique tool that you’ve got, or maybe that you’ve seen or used? Let us know. We want to see it!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
Paul the Plumber Facebook
Kevin’s List
3. Potato Rake
2. Left-handed Tape Measure
1. Ron Paul Woodworking Table
Craig’s List
3. Switch Grip Dual Action Pliers Tool
2. Top Cap Pliers - Sentricon Termite Station Tool
1. Gripple
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Tuesday May 05, 2020
That Time We Talked About Top 3 Kitchen Appliances
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
In this episode Craig and Kevin break down their top 3 appliances in the kitchen. As part of a larger series that will go room-by-room to discern the top items in that room, it begins with the kitchen. There are so many appliances to choose from, but if you had to choose only 3, which ones would you choose? So many appliances we own are matters of convenience, and many of them hardly get used at all, if ever. That being said, we hope you enjoy this episode as we break down our top 3. What are yours?
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
That Time We Talked About Banter
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin never really get off the opening banter that typically begins each show. This COVID-19 pandemic has lent itself to a lot of project and things to discuss, and we talk about all of it. In all honesty, this is how most of our actual conversations go! Enjoy!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
That Time We Talked About Ego Weed Eater
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin review the Ego brand of products, and specifically the Ego Trimmer. There was definitely a time when the only way to get real power out of your yard tools was to have gas power. Electric just didn’t cut it (pun intended). Times have changed. Enter the era of battery power. As technology continues to improve, so do power tools. Ego has introduced a whole line of yard tools that utilize their exclusive 56V battery. With many different amp hours to choose from, their batteries fit all of their equipment. Kevin owns the Ego trimmer and gives a full review of that product in this episode. With some really cool innovations, this trimmer packs a lot of power. Can it hold up to the gas trimmer it replaced? Well, you’ll have to listen to see!
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Ego Tools
Ego Trimmer
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Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
That Time We Talked About Robot Vacuums
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin review the Roborock S5 Vacuum. We discuss often the value of time vs money and encourage you to check out our DIY Calculator. Sometimes certain devices that you own help you regain your time. Kevin has owned the S5 for about 6 months now and gives a thorough review of the product. When it comes to robot vacuums, there are a lot on the market. What things should you consider when you purchase, and do they actually work? Is it worth the money, or is just a waste? Along with some great commentary, we hope this episode helps answer all of those questions for you.
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
Paul the Plumber Facebook
Sproba Team - [Video]Should you skip a mortgage payment?
Haley Thayer YouTube Channel
Roborock S5 Vacuum
Roborock S5 Max Vacuum
Roborock S6 Vacuum
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Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
That Time We Talked About Home Security
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
In this episode, Craig and Kevin interview Matt Kirkpatrick with Hawk Security. Whether you currently have a security system, never want one, or are anywhere in between, this episode will shed some light on some things you should be aware of when it comes to securing your home. There are many things you can do without owning a security system, but there are definitely some advantages to owning one. Matt offers a lot of tips and information regarding securing your home and making sure your family is safe. It’s never too early to begin making strides toward making your home a little more secure. This episode will help.
Paul the Plumber - if you are needing a plumber, Paul the Plumber is your man. Licensed, bonded, and ready to serve you!
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Hawk Security
Hawk Security Houston Facebook
Contact Matt - (281)210-6804
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